Friday, February 16, 2007

Valentine Party

This week we had a lot of work to do for our assignments for school, I am glad to say that my first assignment is almost finished, 11 more to go... So we thought that we were allowed to party on wednesday night, because it was valentine`s day and because wednesday is students night out. So we invided Naudene, Sunette and Louise to come and have drinks at our place and then go to Bourbon Street. We had a lot of fun and danced all night, but thursday morning we had to wake up really early because Tamara and I decided that we had to go to the gym, so we were really tired thursdag night when the profs were coming over to our place for diner: we made stampot and they enjoyed it very much.

Next Monday I am going to start with diving lessons, so Tamara and I can go diving when we are in Cape Town!


Hanna said...

Hey Mar,

Je maakt weer een hoop mee zeg. Ik hoop dat je er lekker van kunt genieten.
Stiekum ben ik wel een beetje jaloers op je hoor, bij mij kriebelt het ook wel weer om terug te gaan...
Geniet ervan, maak je vooral niet te druk he!


Anonymous said...

Hee meissie,
Is t nog steeds zo warm daar? Haha, hier weer regen.. je kent het wel ;-)
Wanneer krijgen we weer een update? En hoe was het gesprek vandaag? Let me know!
Spreek je snel weer (heb nog steeds geen Skype alleen).
Kusss zaas