Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Weekend at the farm

Last weekend Tamara and I were invited by Naudene and Martinus to spend the weekend at he gamefarm of Martinus` parents. Naudene picked us up on friday and we drove for ywo hours to a little place called `Swartruggens`. When we arrived we immediately went for a gamedrive and saw lots of animals. Later we had a braai at the house where we were staying and we had a discussion with Martinus about the Apartheid-regime and the consequences of it nowadays. Saturday morning we went for a swim in the lake after a walk of 1,5 hours, the water was very clear and cold but it was nearby a waterfall so it was very beautifull. In the afternoon we visited friends of Martinus in town which was very interesting and good for our Afrikaans. We went to a hill on the farm to watch the sunset, which Wwas very nice to see. On sunday we went to get the quad and Tamara and I drove through the farm with the quad, it was a good thing that we drove the quad on sunday, otherwise we would have been driving it for the whole weekend. Later we had to catch the horses and we went for a ride. At night we had a braai again and packed our bags to go back to Potch the next day. On monday morning we had a little crisis: Naudene closed the gate of the farm incorrect and the people that were building houses on the farm couldn`t get in, so they just left and went home and didn`t come back.... It was strange to come back in Potch on monday because it was so quiet and peaceful at the farm. But we had a really great time and we`ll definitely are going back there soon!

The other photos are at:

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