Monday, January 29, 2007

Arrival in Potchefstroom

Well, I am glad to say that I arrived safely in Potch. I arrived here saturday morning and at that point I was the only international student in the house, so at night I was a little bit scared because of all the strange sounds around the house. But fortunately another student arrived at night: Anna she is from Germany. I was glad that she arrived so I wasn`t all alone anylonger. On sunday there isn`t much to do around here: people go to church and everything is arranged around that. So I was just reading a little and sitting in the sun. The classes only start on the 12th of February so I have still 2 weeks of vacation here, although I do have to get started on my thesis. Today Tamara is arriving in Potch and we were invited to go to a gamefarm of a friend of mine this weekend, so I am really looking forward to that.

1 comment:

yvonne said...

Een hele onderneming hoor veel plezier en we volgen je!!

Groetjes Willem,Yvonne,Stefan en Mariska