Thursday, March 15, 2007

Weekend in Potch

Last weekend we stayed in Potch, I really needed to work on my thesis, because I had a deadline of my second part of my thesis on Monday. Saturday we went out to Boubon`s, it was very nice although we got a little drunk ;-). Sunday our Afrikaanse teacher came to pick us up and we went to her house and had a nice braai and a swim. Sundaynight we went to church, it was very interesting for me to see that church is very different here from the churches in Holland. It was much more modern and nicer than in Holland and I think that a lot more people would go to church if we had churches like this in Holland. Tuesday evening we went out for pizza with some friends and afterwards, when we came home, we heard music coming from the campus. So we went to have a look and there was a concert going on: Tree 63 was playing, it sounded like U2, it was very nice. This weekend we are going tol Krugersdorp again: Dennis and Markie are celebrating their birthdays so that will be a nice party again!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Diving in Wondergat

Last weekend I have been diving in Wondergat. We went there on Saturday morning at 530 so that we had the whole day to dive. We went camping, so we had to put up our tent and as soon as we had done that we went for our first dive of the day. The visibility was not very good, but it was a nice place to go diving for the first time at another place than the pool. We did two dives on Saterday and at night we had a braai and there was a moon eclipse so I watched the beginning because I was too tired to watch the whole thing. On Sunday we woke up very early again and we did the other dives that are necessary for my certificate, but we did all the dives so now I have it. We are going diving in Sudwana on the 27 of March until the 31 of March, I saw pictures of it and it is very beautiful there, we can dive with sharks there! Well I put the photo`s of Wondergat on the site, the underwater photo`s will follow soon!