Sunday, April 22, 2007

Cape Town and Tstitsikama

Tammy and I went on holiday for 8 days to Cape Town and Tsitsikama. We arrived at 2300 in Cape Town and when to our hostel, which was not that hard to find, but put two girls in a big city in a car and they obviously get lost. When we finally arrived at the hostel we were very tired and went straight to bed. The next morning we went to Cape Point, it was a very nice place with a lot of nice views, we had to climb very high in order to enjoy the view, but it was definitely worth it. We also went to Simons Town and saw pinguins, which is a very weird thing to see in South Africa. The next day we went to visit Table Mountin which was also amazing, the view and the nature is so beautifull... After Table Mountain we drove along the coast and saw some very nice little towns and we decided to go have drink at night in Camps Bay, which was very nice but the people there were a bit snobbish. The next day we went to a themepark and enjoyed the rollercoasters and stuff like that, the park was a bit small so we were home early and decided to go to Waterfront, which is a very nice plays with bars and shops. On Sunday we were a bit tired of partying so we went lying on the beach and had a lazy day. On Monday we had to wake up very early because we had to drive for 7 hours to Tsitsikama, when we arrived there we went to the Storms River National Park, where you can do hiking, swimming and snorkling. We went for a hike on a mountain, it took us an hour to get to the top so we were very tired when we got down again, we went for diner in Tsitsikama and the next day we went snorkling and did some hiking trails. On Wednesday we drove back to Cape Town and on the way back we stopped in Plettenberg Bay and I went skydiving! I jumped out of a plane at 10.000 feet, it was the most amazing thing I ever did! On Thursday we flew back to Jo`burg. It was a very nice trip, and luckily I am going back there in June with my parents!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Sodwana Bay

Last week I went diving in Sodwana Bay, the most beautifull spot in South Africa to dive. And it was very nice, after we drove 8 hours we arrived on Tuesday in Sodwana Bay, we had a very nice diner and afterwards we went to bed because the next morning we had an early dive, at 7.00, so we had to be on the beach at 6.30. The first dive was very nice, we saw a huge blue spotted rea, it was twice as big as me, so that was very beautiful to see. At 10.30 we did another dive and saw a lot of different beautifull fishes. In the afternoon Tamara and I went to bed because we were so tired of the dives and later we went to the beach and walked there for a while. The next day we again did two dives and we saw again beautifull things in the water. Friday we did our last dive early in the morning and we saw a big turtle swimming under water, which was an amazing thing to see. We drove back Friday afternoon and came back at 23.00 after an exhausting drive. It was a very nice experience and I will definetely go diving there again in June!